In competition for the Venice Airport Master Plan
In competition for the Venice Airport Master Plan
We are proud to have been selected as one of six architects to participate in the design competition for the Master Plan of the Marco Polo airport in Venice, Italy.
The design competition was launched in October 2017 by the SAVE S.p.A., the management company of the airport.
The primary objectives of the design competition are the Master Plan from 2022 to 2031 related to the Marco Polo airport in Venice and assistance in obtaining the technical approval from ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), the Environmental Impact Assessment procedure and municipality planning compliance.
The number of candidates selected to participate is 6.
The Master Plan must include:
- identification of needs;
- the infrastructure development plan;
- the economic-financial forecasts.
Our team includes Lleweliyn Davies Weeks LTD from London (United Kindom), Airport Consulting Vienna GMBH from Vienna (Austria), Airport Design Management GMBH from Vienna (Austria).
Venice, Italy
February 20th, 2018
Save S.p.A.
Alfieri Architecture, Lleweliyn Davies, Airport Consulting Vienna, Airport Design Management.
Design competition for the Master Plan related to the Marco Polo airport in Venice from 2022 to 2031 and assistance in obtaining the technical approvals.