Keynote speaker at CIBEK


City Regeneration as solution for a Circular economy


We are proud to announce you that arch. Ivan Alfieri was been invited as Keynote speaker to the 1st edition of International Conference on "Circular and Bioeconomy" - CIBEK 2018 at the School of Engineering Management, Bulevar vojvode Misica 43, Belgrade, Serbia.


Conference Aim
Europe is developing an efficient and sustainable economy. The goal is more innovative and low-emission economy, preservation of biodiversity, environmental protection, development of new technologies and processes for bioeconomics, market development and competitiveness in sectors bio-economy, policy development in order to cooperate closely with stakeholders.


The Circular Economy is the conceptual framework of sustainable development. Its goal is the production of goods and services while at the same time reducing the consumption and wastage of raw materials, water and energy sources.


It is about implementing a new economy that is circular – not linear – based on the principle of "closing the loop" of the lifecycles of products, services, waste, materials, water and energy.

The Conference should become a cross-cutting cornerstone of various lectures and events that recognize sustainable development as a key issue for the future of industry.

Catanzaro, Italy; April 13th, 2018.


Belgrade, Serbia



April 19th, 2018



School of Engineering Management Belgrade;

Engineering Management Society of Serbia;

Commerce and Industry of Serbia;

The Assembly of the City of Belgrade;

Institute of Renewable Energy;

Energowind Group. 


Keynote speaker

arch. Ivan Alfieri.



Keynote on City Regeneration as a solution for a Circular economy



arch. Ivan Alfieri



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