Highway 109 bis - Ring Road West of Catanzaro

when you’re feeling blue

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ut convallis ligula. Sed nec tristique ipsum. Pellentesque libero dolor, sodales id tellus vitae, sodales tristique felis. Nunc imperdiet felis et augue consequat, sit amet rutrum libero porta. Suspendisse vulputate elit eget est ornare cursus. Cras mauris nibh, dictum in pellentesque et, varius vel leo. Proin non tincidunt magna. Praesent vel lacus felis. 

A ring road to the Capital of Calabria


The Highway 109bis named the "road of small Sila", connects the town of Pentone and the city of Catanzaro (Italy), the Capital of Calabria, along a narrow and tortuous path passing for the sanctuary of Madonna of Termini, where it met the former highway 109 connection.
After a few kilometers from Pentone and  before to arrive in the center of Catanzaro, the last stretch of road can be considered as the Ring Road of the city. It's characterised by the hardy viaduct in pre-stressed reinforced concrete located on the "Fiumarella" torrent and by a roundabout, from which the "Bisantis" bridge, at the entrance of Catanzaro, can be reached. It's characterised by the hardy viaduct in pre-stressed reinforced concrete located on the "Fiumarella" torrent and by a roundabout, from which can be reached the "Bisantis" bridge, as the entrance to Catanzaro.


Catanzaro, Italy



3,5 Km



1972 - 1976



ANAS S.p.A. - National autority for the roads



Domenico Alfieri,

Enzo Samarelli,

Bernardo Principato



Designing and Direction of works for construction of roads



Rosario Fabio Alfieri

Altri lavori


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